Sustainable Learning

Academics (Cognitive Development)

Our outlook on education treads on the above thought, with all our academic endeavors leading the student to the horizons of learning. So, the focus is on providing opportunities and activities which bring about development in students’ individual thinking and their intellectual capabilities. This enhances their ability to comprehend, analyse and apply their learning in real life situation which fosters conceptual learning.

Education at AMNSIS
  • Focuses on the individual needs of the students
  • Makes students partners in the acquisition of knowledge and problem solving
  • Creates opportunities for collaborations with peers across the globe for the know-how of tangible and intangible effects of our eco system

With its state-of-the-art educational resources and competent facilitators AMNSIS provides best quality education. These learning outcomes are met through organizing various learning activities:

  • Experimentation and learning activities
  • Group discussions
  • Debates
  • Field trips
  • Presentations
  • Seminars
  • Exhibitions
  • Collaborations
  • Flipped classrooms
  • Interdisciplinary Projects
  • Blended classroom teaching

The school provides a learning environment which is inclusive, open and dynamic and thus promotes the natural desire for learning. It involves students in the teaching learning process and empowers them to be life-long learners.


21st Century Skills

To thrive in the world that is capricious in nature we need the development of 21st century skills - enhancing the qualities of flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, in every individual. The students have opportunities to participate in activities and events that emulate real world problems, helping them to familiarize with the approach to handle such situations and make them effective leaders.

Core Skills: 21st century skills also involve the embedding of core skills like critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and communication, creativity and imagination and innovation into a student’s concept of learning and that is what we strive to do. Social, personal and official skills were always an intrinsic part of a students’ development. With students undergoing waves upon waves of paradigm shifts, the school strives to inculcate basic soft and hard skills along with new specific skills needed.

Global Citizenship: Education at AMNSIS emphasises upon responsibilities and contribution of an individual to the global society and economy with an awareness of the inter-connectedness among people, societies and environments around the globe. The school is a part of the global citizenship foundation programme and has undertaken 50 global acts of kindness to build a community that stands for humanity.

Advancing the frontiers of Technology : Technology is considered to be the best creative teaching tool for abstract topics where visualisation of 3-dimentional concepts are required. It renders support to the teaching learning process. Initiatives to integrate latest technology and digital literacy are at the core of the teaching learning process.

NCC: The school takes pride in having NCC (Army unit) for more than ten years. It instills confidence, belongingness, self-awareness and above all, self-discipline. It helps students to develop patriotism, companionship, spirit of exploration, ideals of selfless service, secular outlook and strong willpower.


Co-curricular - Literary and Cultural

Co-Curricular activities are a great way to enable students to enjoy learning connected to but not limited by scopes of syllabi.

The students are involved in a wide range of co-curricular activities and competitions. Dramatics, Debate, Elocution, Quiz, Dance, Music, Art are regular weekly features. The school provides ample opportunities to each and every student to nurture their skills in:

  • Oratory
  • Histrionics
  • Music
  • Visual and Performing arts
  • Creative Expressions
  • Quizzes

In addition to allotting periods in their curriculum, every Thursday various sports and cultural activities and competition are conducted by the school.

Special training activities

A broad range of special activities are offered as a part of the school curriculum for classes I to VIII. Students can opt for any one of the activities offered, according to their interest. They are trained and guided by qualified coaches and trainers.

  1. Dance
  2. Art and Craft
  3. Synthesizer
  1. Tabla
  2. Harmonium
  3. Guitar
  1. Drums

Co-curricular - Clubs

Sustainable development of a child consists not only of bookish knowledge but also the acknowledgement of their areas of interest in different skills.

The students come together with like-minded peers in clubs, where they organize and participate in activities suitable to their fortes. Through the following clubs we try to inculcate the qualities of leadership and self-expression.

  1. Ted Ed and Oratory Club
  2. Community Service Club
  3. Debate Club
  4. Science Club
  5. Drama Club
  1. Tech Club
  2. MUN Club
  3. Math's Club
  4. Chess Club
  5. Quiz Club
  1. Eco Saviors Club
  2. Hindi Oratory
  3. Dance Club
  4. Art and Craft Club
  5. Music club

Co-curricular - Sports

Students at AMNSIS are super-enthusiastic about sports, and under the guidance of our extremely versatile sports faculty, our students train hard and have brought home trophies and achievements from every competition or sports events they participate in.

Students are trained for both individual and team games for the following activities:

  • Skating
  • Karate
  • Badminton
  • Table Tanis
  • Foot Ball
  • Swimming
  • Athletics
  • Basket Ball
  • Cricket
  • Kho-Kho
  • Kabaddi
  • Yoga
  • Lawn tennis
  • Gymnastics

Yoga and Meditation gives an opportunity to develop physical and mental discipline. It is incorporated in the regular co-curriculum. Optional activities are taken after school hours too, according to the choice and the ability of the student, to prepare them for district state and national level participation. Special trainings are undertaken during holidays by organizing camps.


Collaborations and International Edge

The confines of a border do not limit knowledge and AMNSIS, through its adoption of the international dimension, offers a boundless platform for experiencing the horizons of knowledge both through national and international collaboration. The students’ involvement in these events serves as a highly effective way to broaden the spectrum of knowledge. The International platforms provided to students are:

CERN is a world laboratory that promotes study of particle physics. It provides a unique range of particle accelerators. Our students have presented innovative projects.
TED-Ed - a platform with its headquarter in New York, to spark and celebrate the ideas of students through TED style talks. The students prepare talks under the guidance of TED Ed leaders. Also, it provides a unique platform to connect the students for sharing of ideas from other school of India and the world through online connects.
MUN (Model United Nations) - (Wherein the students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations.
British Council
British Council - Various projects with international edge and with International connects with countries like China, USA, Tajikistan, Ukraine Pakistan have been undertaken.


The students are rendered help on one to one basis to facilitate their learning. A continuous comprehensive profile is maintained for each student which gives an insight into their cognitive and emotional development that can be addressed by the mentors if needed. When students find themselves in a place where they are assured of non-judgmental, constructive advice, they thrive and that is what we strive for, here at AMNSIS.

Community Services

Community service is a "classroom without walls" which enables the students to move to the different segments of the society and learn values like caring, sharing, empathy, brotherhood, collective co-existence which makes them a better human being. It is an endeavour taken up by the school which teaches them that they owe a responsibility towards the society that they have to fulfill.

Life Skill and Values

Behavioural Counselling
In order to meet challenges in life one has to respond meaningfully, adequately and timely.

The school has two well qualified and experienced Counsellors who are available to students at all points of time. They take sessions with students on regular basis to guide them and equip them for challenges of life. Session on positive parenting are a regular feature.

Circle Time: Quality circle time is an integral part as the school believes in empowering individuals and the group related to the individuals to have mutual respect. Through circle time, the school continually strives to make them positive individuals. They are guided and motivated to solve personal and peer issues through sharing and discussion.

Leadership Camps: Leadership Camps organized for senior secondary students, have helped foster leadership qualities, in addition to instilling values for molding their character eventually nurturing future flag bearers of the nation.

Anti - bullying and redressal Cell: Anti - bullying and redressal Cell works towards creating a safe school environment for the students.

Career Guidance: Career Guidance workshops are hosted for secondary section to give them exposure to a myriad of career options. Aptitude test and one to one counselling sessions follow, to show them the specific pathways to attain their individual goals. The school has two well qualified career counsellors.


Professional Development

AMNSIS takes initiative of strengthening the teachers’ ability and expertise in their respective fields so training programs are a regular feature.

It aims at training all the stakeholders - Principal, teachers, students and parents for their growth, thus creating a positive teaching learning environment wherein teachers and students become mutual learners.


Inclusive Education

The school runs a special education cell with qualified and experienced special educator. IEPs (Individual Education Plans) are designed for students with special needs and they appear for exams through NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling.


To connect classroom with the real-world opportunities to intern in various organizations AMNSIS has initiated "Internship Programs" through which the prospective learner will not only build a repertoire of professional understandings, competencies and skills but also develop a positive attitude towards his learning and performances. Our students have a privilege as AMNS.