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Continuous Professional Development Training Sessions for Teachers

Continuous Professional Development Training Sessions for Teachers


The teachers of AMNSIS school attended a workshop on the 15th of June, 2024 on the topic 'Exploring Theatre Techniques to Enhance classroom Dynamics'.

The resource persons Mr. Ayush and Mr. Rohit Thapa from Soot Stories, Mumbai, introduced strategies and activities to reinvigorate all traditional subjects through dynamic theatrical approaches. They also equipped teachers with practical theatre tools to stimulate student interaction and active involvement in the learning process.These activities would help cultivate an atmosphere of trust and partnership, thereby enhancing the teacher-student relationship within the classroom. The teachers participated enthusiastically in all the activities, not only having fun but also learning from the workshop.


AMNSIS, in collaboration with Red Engine Programs, Mumbai, arranged a workshop on the topic 'Communicate to Connect' for the teachers on 18th June 2024. 

The dynamic Ms. Sonal Nangia, the facilitator, shared strategies and techniques with the teachers to foster stronger bonds with their students leading to a more conducive learning environment and enhanced student engagement in the classroom. The teachers engaged and involved themselves in the engrossing activities which provided them a great platform for learning and sharing.