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AMNSIS celebrates Science week

AMNSIS celebrates Science week


In continuation with the celebrations of different subject weeks, the school celebrated science week wherein the students and teachers participated in various activities.

  • Class 8 students conducted a project on the topic- E waste. They prepared a survey questionnaire with the objective of testing students’ knowledge and attitude towards e waste and its safe disposal. They also created a jingle and went to classes 8-10 to promote the awareness towards e waste and encouraged the students to participate in the survey. Then they analysed the result of the survey and interviewed a local e waste disposal company. The proprietor shared information about the recycling refurbishing and safe disposal of e waste. Finally, they created a power point presentation and discussed the types of e waste, problems created, solution to the problems at self-level, city level, national and international level. In this way students presented these entire sequences of various components of their project in the assembly to create an impact on the minds of peer students.
  • Class 6 students presented interesting information on ‘The Science Behind the Fascinating Wonders of the World’. The enthusiastic students from class 6 delivered presentation focused on three unique phenomena:
  1. Blood Falls of Antarctica: The reason behind the mysterious Blood Falls, a red colored waterfall found in Antarctica was explained.
  2.  Lake Natron of Tanzania: The eerie and captivating reason for calcification and preservation of animals that die in Lake Natron, creating natural ‘statues’ was explained.
  3. Liquid Rainbow - Cano Cristales: The phenomenon of the unique colors of Cano Cristales, a river in Colombia known as the "Liquid Rainbow" was shared.

The presentation was complemented by an informative PowerPoint slideshow that visually captured the essence of these wonders. Each slide provided vivid images enhancing the understanding and interest of the audience.

  • Ketan Sir demonstrated interesting experiments in Chemistry like Fire without matchsticks, Colour change and Burning of handkerchief to the students in the assembly hall.
  • Students of class 7 participated in the skit ‘Choose your food wisely’. The skit was all about the importance of developing healthy eating habits for all ages. They explained by playing different characters of school students during lunch break the benefits of homemade food, ill effects of junk food and so-called healthy foods on our health, importance of organic food. They showed nutritional values of different types of foods, contents of junk foods by PPT. Overall they spread the message to the society ‘Choose your food wisely’.
  • Some Physics Concepts were demonstrated by Grade 11 students. A group of 8 students performed the chair activity to show static equilibrium (Balance force), and the relation between the conservation of angular momentum and torque with the help of a bicycle wheel.

All the activities were appreciated by all attendees. It not only enhanced the students' knowledge about wonders of science but also inspired curiosity and a love for science among the students.